Monday, February 2, 2009

Here we go... here it is. After a little prodding from Shannon, I have started a blog to post the things that I have sewn/quilted and just what the family is doing in general.
Normally, we are a somewhat busy family since there are 6 of us. Our girls are both into soccer. Currently only Meg is playing, Sarah's team is not playing right now because of not enough interest in playing indoor. They will both be playing outdoor when the weather warms up. Our boys are completely obsessed with Superman, Star Wars and Legos. Connor will be starting kindergarten this fall and Kieran will someday be potty trained...someday.

I try to sew daily but things don't always work out that way. My dining room doubles as my sewing room since there is no other place to do it. My ever-loving husband just shrugs it off and could care less. He's just happy to be home.
Hopefully, I can get this whole blog thing figured out so I can post pictures of the things I've made...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Elf! These are BEAUTIFUL! You should sell them! You'd get rich! They're gorgeous!! I sure do miss you, hunny bunny...
