Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring is here... is, it really is! Back from my mini-vacation of little rest. Thanks Catherine! Visited the west coast for a few days to come back to the cold east coat weather. But the weather now here is great. Went to the beach for the first time this year with the boys on Saturday to meet up with Shannon and her family. The boys loved playing in the sand and more so in the water. By the time we left, all the kids had no pants on and were running in the water with their diapers/underwear and their shirts.

I was able to finally give Catherine her birthday bag and she loved it. I have to send her the instructions how to make it when I think of it.

Things here are starting to pick up pace again. The girls have started outdoor soccer so practices are 3 nights a week and games start soon. Ron is no longer on a sub. He had a reaction to something on the boat which caused him to be sent to the hospital. After testing him for various things, it was determined that he is safer off the the boat so now we are waiting to hear where he will be assigned to. The boys are as crazy as ever and don't seem to be slowing down. Kieran is for the most part potty trained and I am so happy! It is the first time in 10 years that there is no one in a diaper during the day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Time has flown by

I can't believe it has been just about a month since my last post. Time has flown by! Ron has been out and back again, we have all been sick and now I am getting ready to take a mini vacation to visit San Diego. We had Sarah and Kieran's birthday dinner. We had family and friends over and had a lot of fun. Indoor soccer is winding down but outdoor practices have already begun.

I haven't been sewing as much as I have wanted with all that we have had going on. I did manage to start a new quilt using a jelly roll that I am really liking and I have made a couple of pincushions that need finishing. I did make a new tote bag for my trip to hold my travel needs. It came out so cute and only took a few hours! I love it!!

I also decided to take a stab at jewelry making. I have no idea what made me want to try it but I did and ended up making some bracelets. I am bringing a couple to San Diego as gifts and I have to figure out what to do with the rest...I might just wear them!

Hopefully after a little relaxation this coming week...I can't say resting, I was told no sleeping on this relaxation, I will be sewing a lot more once I get home. Gotta finish up some started projects so I can start some new ones without guilt!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Things are finally slowing down

Things here have started to clam down. Meg had her All City concert this past week so all the running to rehearsals is now over. She did well and even made the paper! She was nervous but got over it. Now we only have to go to soccer practices and games. I can't imagine how busy I will be when the boys start sports too!

I haven't been sewing as much as I want to lately. Instead, I decided to finally paint the living room. I am almost done with it but it is hard with the kids here so I can only really work on it when they are either at school or if the girls can wrangle the boys upstairs. I have to say, I love the color. It took me forever to decide on the right shade but I found it.

I did however get this wall hanging/small quilt done. I started it years ago and because our class moved on to something else, I never finished it. There is also a large lap/not quite twin quilt that matches it that I am working on but I wanted to see how the colors would look so I finished the smaller one first.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I've been slacking!

Well, the title tells you...I've been slacking in the sewing department. Not for the lack of ideas, just the lack of motivation. I'm hoping I am back on the right track again. I managed to finish my sister-in-law's birthday present but I can't post it until she has it! I'll post that picture later. I did manage to finish a partially done quilt top and the binding is ready too.

It isn't the biggest that I have done and it is not in the colors that I usually do but it is ok - not a favorite. I'm hoping to work some others that have been started so I can get them out of the way and make room for some new ones.

Valentines Day and my birthday have officially passed (well, in 1 hour and 1 minute!) and Ron has had to work for both, so they were not spent the way I wanted but, what can you do? At least I got some sewing done!

The girls are busy still. Sarah got picked up by the Mystic soccer team so she plays with them until the season ends in April. Meg is still playing with her team and learning more each week. Both girls should be starting practices this week on top of their weekly games. Looks like I'll be busy running too - well, driving anyway! Meg is also in the All-City Choir so she has that to look forward to.

Kieran has his preschool screening this week. The shyer he is, the better the chances of him getting a spot...pretty sure he'll get in. He still has issues going to my father he is so shy. Hopefully, he will get in so when Connor starts kindergarten, they will both be in school through the city so no more daycare costs. I can only hope!

I thought I would add a couple past quilts while I was at it...
This was made for my sister in 2006.

This was wall hanging that I made in class. I ended up giving it to Jen. I believe this one is from 2006.

This one was for Emerson 2007.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Some past projects

I have made about 30 quilts since I started quilting. Here are just a few of what I done...

This was made for my aunt Christmas 2006.

This one is stashed and put away for the kids. I designed it from a pillow pattern I liked.

This one is stashed away for the kids when they are older.

This one was for my mother-in-law Christmas 2006.

This one was for made for Catherine for Christmas 2007.

Here is the largest quilt I have made to date. It was full size and you can see how big it is by how small Sarah's head looks at the very top.

The latest...

Here are the latest things I have made. The top one was the trial run, so therefore mine.

This one is for my sister.

Here we go... here it is. After a little prodding from Shannon, I have started a blog to post the things that I have sewn/quilted and just what the family is doing in general.
Normally, we are a somewhat busy family since there are 6 of us. Our girls are both into soccer. Currently only Meg is playing, Sarah's team is not playing right now because of not enough interest in playing indoor. They will both be playing outdoor when the weather warms up. Our boys are completely obsessed with Superman, Star Wars and Legos. Connor will be starting kindergarten this fall and Kieran will someday be potty trained...someday.

I try to sew daily but things don't always work out that way. My dining room doubles as my sewing room since there is no other place to do it. My ever-loving husband just shrugs it off and could care less. He's just happy to be home.
Hopefully, I can get this whole blog thing figured out so I can post pictures of the things I've made...